Included with the all-inclusive Betheme configuration service:- Import a pre-built template
- Branding ie. Add your logo, change the colors, font size, and images.
- Add and replace demo content/text with your companies content/text on up to five (5) pages. (home page, contact page, about page, etc.)
- Add and replace demo images/media with your companies images/media on up to five (5) pages. (home page, contact page, about page, etc.)
- Update menu items/navigation links for header and footer menus.
- Add social media handles to theme options
- Remove any theme branding ie. theme developer company name published in footer or copyright areas and replace it with company name
- Set the main page of the imported template as the home page via WordPress settings
- Set blog page of the imported template as the posts page via WordPress settings
- Make permalink (URL structure) SEO friendly
- Update admin email
- Delete/remove images in media library from demo import that is no longer required
- Trash & delete all pages and posts from demo import that are no longer required
- Add alt attributes, captions, and descriptions to all images provided by the client (SEO purposes)
- Update default administrative email in WordPress settings to client preferred email address
- Remove WordPress default plugins hello dolly and Akismet
- Update site identity/site title via the customizer to reflect the company name
- Add site icon/favicon (client provided - recommended size 512 x 512 pixels)
- Publish the updated template to your website.